Sep 7, 2020
It is the final minute of the movie. Our announer Allyson Whitley returns to salute all 54 guests who made an appearance of the show.
Follow Allyson on Instagram at @3tabbiesintn
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Sep 4, 2020
Return to Oz Minute and MASH Minute host Tierney Steele returns to the podcast. She appeared at the start of the podcast having never seen Bull Durham. Now she is back giving her review.
Follow Tierney on Twitter at @onesteelesister
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Sep 2, 2020
Writer, editor and baseball nut Greg Lee joins the podcast to talk about the image of Thurman Munson, bad 1980's blues and the end credits.
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Aug 31, 2020
Filmmaker, Actress and voice over artist Mandy Kaplan returns for another episode. We talked about Walt Whitman, dancing in robes and acting in West Side Story.
Follow Mandy on Twitter @MandyKaplan
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Aug 28, 2020
Actress, voice over star and filmmaker Mandy Kaplan joins the podcast. We talked about Crash and Annie's nervousness, bookend scenes, couples having sex and quitting for real.
Follow Mandy on Twitter @MandyKaplan
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