Mar 30, 2020
Comedian, musician and rabid Cubs fan Rob Paravonian comes back for another episode to discuss wooden acting by baseball players, gleeful profanity and how the Bull looks like a Terror Dog from Ghostbusters.
Follow Rob a @RobPRocks
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Mar 27, 2020
Comedian, musician and rabid Cubs fan Rob Paravonian returns to see how stupid Nuke can get and break down a home run swing during Sully's favorite minute in the whole movie.
Follow Rob a @RobPRocks
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Mar 25, 2020
Comedian, musician and rabid Cubs fan Rob Paravonian joins the podcast to talk about his love of minor league baseball and wonder and how Nuke has his inner monologue out loud.
Follow Rob a @RobPRocks
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Mar 23, 2020
Amanda Smith, author of the wonderfully bananas book Le Renard Argenté: The Silver Fox At War, returns to talk about Tobacco companies, true faith and her lamenting that her minute ended just before her favorite line.
Purchase Le Renard Argenté: The Silver Fox At War by clicking HERE
Join the Bull Durham Minute...
Mar 20, 2020
Amanda Smith, author of the wonderfully bananas book Le Renard Argenté: The Silver Fox At War, joins the podcast to talk about foreshadowing with Millie and Jimmy and Bobby's slump.
Purchase Le Renard Argenté: The Silver Fox At War by clicking HERE
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