May 29, 2020
A. J. Andrews, the host of Locked on Blue Jays, joins the podcast. We talked about why a potentially good scene was best left deleted, the winning streak, Toronto sports and weaponizing poetry.
Follow A.J. of Twitter @A_J_Andrews
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May 27, 2020
JApollo 13 Minute and Rocketeer Minute host Jim O'Kane returns for one more episode. We break down our thoughts on screwing up, learning lessons, games ending, hanging with Helen Hayes and the Scorsese's film The Aviator.
Follow Jim on Twitter @RocketeerMinute
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May 25, 2020
Jim O'Kane, host of several Movie Minute podcasts including Apollo 13 Minute and Rocketeer Minute, returns to the show. We discuss the complexity of catcher signs, Millie breaking habits and the perfect swing of a fake homer.
Follow Jim on Twitter @RocketeerMinute
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May 22, 2020
Movie Minute podcast veteran Jim O'Kane joins the show.
We try to figure out the best place for a mascot to be hit by a fastball, Costner’s grin, why The Untouchables was like The Mary Tyler Moore Show and honoring the great Clifton James and Don Davis.
Follow Jim on Twitter @RocketeerMinute
May 20, 2020
David Smith of Airplane Minute returns for one more minute, discussing the concept of being wild as a pitcher and digging into the box. Plus I tease what sequel I think is underrated.
Follow David on Twitter @airplane_minute
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